La teorización de las masculinidades en la ciencia social contemporenea

  • Scott Coltrane
  • Moisés Silva


Traducción de Moisés Silva


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Author Biographies

Scott Coltrane
Profesor asistente de sociología en la Universidad de Riverside, California. Su trabajo de investigación sobre género, familias y cambios sociales ha sido publicado en diferentes revistas académicas de sociología
Moisés Silva


R. Collins. “The Micro Contribution to Macro Sociology”, Sociological Theory, núm. 6, 1988, pp. 242-253.

K. Marx. “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”, R. Tucker (ed.). The Marx-Engels Reader, 1978, Monthly Review Press, Nueva York, pp.594-617 (originalmente publicado en 1851).

E. Goffman. Interaction Ritual, Anchor, Nueva York, 1967.

E. Goffman. “The Arrangement Between the Sexes”, Theory and Society, núm. 4, 1977, pp. 301- 331; E. Goffman. Gender Advertisements, Harper & Row, Nueva York, 1979.

Morgan, D. “Men, Masculinity and the Process of Sociological Enquiry”, H. Roberts, Doing Feminist Research, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Londres, 1981, pp. 83-113.

H. Goldberg. The Hazards of Being Male, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1976; J. Nichols. Men’s Liberation, Penguin, Nueva York, 1975.

M. Clary. Daddy’s Home, Seaview, Nueva York, 1982.

S. Osherson. Finding our Fathers, Free Press, Nueva York, 1986.

W. Farrel. Why Men Are the Way They Are, McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 1986.

R. Bly. Iron John: A Book about Men, AddisonWesley, Reading, 1990.

S. Coltrane y N. Hickman. “The Rhethoric of Rights and Needs”, Social Problems, núm. 39, 1992, pp. 401-421.

J. Pleck. “Men’s Power with Women, other Men, and Society”, R. A. Lewis (ed.). Men in Difficult Times, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Nueva York, 1981, pp. 234-244 (originalmente publicado en 1977); J. Sattel. “Men, Inexpresiveness, and Power”, Social Problems, núm. 23, 1976, pp. 469- 477.

R.W. Connell. Gender and Power, Polity, Cambridge, 1987.

M. Kaufman. Cracking the Armor: Power, Pain, and the Lives of Men, Penguin/Viking, Toronto, 1993.

H. Brod (ed.). The Making of Masculinities, Unwin Hyman, Boston, 1987; J. Hearn y D. Morgan (eds.). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory, Unwin Hyman, Londres, 1990; M. Kaufman (ed.). Beyond Patriarchy, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1987; M. Kimmel y M. Messner (eds.). Men’s Lives, MacMillan, Nueva York, 1989.

D. Jackson. Unmasking masculinity, Unwin Hyman, Londres, 1990; M. Messner. “Men Studying Masculinity”, Sociology of Sport Journal, núm. 7, 1990, pp. 136-153; V. Seidler. Rediscovering Masculinity, Routledge, Londres, 1989.

B. Easlea. Science and Sexual Opression, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Londres, 1981.

J. Canaan y C. Griffin. “The New Men’s Studies”, en J. Hearn y D. Morgan (eds.). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory, Unwin Hyman, Londres, 1990, pp.206-214; A. Jardine y P. Smith. Men in feminism, Methuen, Nueva York, 1987; S. Reinharz. Feminist Methods in Social Research, Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 1992.

J. Lorber. “Dismantling Noah’s Ark”, Sex Roles, núm. 14, 1986, p. 568.

M. Kimmel . “After Fifteen Years”, J. Hearn y D. Morgan (eds.). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory, Unwin Hyman, Londres, 1990, pp. 93-109.

L. Irigaray. “And the One Doesn’t Stir Without the Other”, Signs, núm. 7, 1981, pp. 56-79.

S. Griffin. Women and Nature, Harper Colophon, Nueva York, 1978.

J.B. Elshtain. Public Man, Private Woman, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1981.

A. Rossi (ed.). Gender and the Lifecourse, Aldine, Nueva York, 1985.

J. Stacey. “The New Conservative Feminism”, Feminist Studies, núm. 9, 1983, pp. 559-583.

L. Tiger. Men in Groups, Vintage, Nueva York, 1969; E. O. Wilson. Sociobiology, Belknap, Cambridge, 1975.

R. Bleier. Science and Gender, Pergammon, Nueva York, 1984; D. Haraway. “Animal Sociology and a Natural Economy of the Body Politic”, Signs, núm. 4, 1978, pp. 21-60.

F. Engels. “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”, en R. Tucker (ed.). The

Marx-Engels Reader, pp.734-759, Monthly Review Press, Nueva York, 1978 (originalmente publicado en 1891).

R. L. Blumberg. “A General Theory of Gender Strati-fication”, en R. Collins (ed.). Sociological Theory, Josey-Bass, San Francisco, 1984, pp.23- 101; J. S. Chafetz. Sex and Advantage, Rowman & Allanheld, Totowa, 1984; E. Leacock. Myths of Male Dominance, Monthly Review Press, Nueva York, 1981; S. Ortner y H. Whitehead. Sexual Meanings, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981; P. R. Sanday. Female Power and Mal Dominance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.

C. Ragin. The comparative method, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1987.

M. Kohn (ed.). Cross-national Research in Sociology, Sage, Newbury Park, 1989.

D. Kandiyoti. “Bargaining with Patriarchy”, Gender & Society, núm. 2, 1991, pp. 274-290.

S. Coltrane. “The Micropolitics of Gender in Nonindustrial Societies”, Gender & Society, núm. 6, 1992, pp. 86-107.

S. Coltrane. “Father-child Relationships and the Status of Women”, American Journal of Sociology, núm. 93, 1988, pp. 1060-1095.

Nancy Chodorow. The Reproduction of Mothering, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1978.

Dorothy Smith. “Sociology from Women’s Experience”, Sociological Theory, núm. 10, 1992, p. 96.

C. Lloyd. “Realism, Structurism, and History”, Theory and Society, núm. 18, 1989, pp. 451-494.

Kuhn, T. The Structure of ScientificRevolutions, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1970.

S. Lieberson. Making it Count, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1985.

S. C. Jansen. “Is Science a Man?”, Theory and Society, núm. 19, 1990, pp. 235-246

M. O’Brien (ed.). Reproducing the world: Essays in feminist theory, Westview, Boulder, 1989; V. Seidler. Rediscovering Masculinity, Routledge, Londres, 1989.

M. J. Deegan. Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School 1892-1918, Transaction Books, New Brunswick, 1988.

S. Harding, S. The Science Question in Feminism, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1986.

N. Hartsock. “The Feminist Standpoint”, S. Harding y M. Hintikka (eds.). Discovering Reality, Reidel, Boston, 1983, pp. 283-310.

S. Coltrane. “Household labor and the routine production of gender”, Social Problems, núm. 36, 1989, pp. 473-490; B. J. Risman. Intimate Relationships from a Microstructural Perspective, Gender & Society, núm. 1, 1987, pp. 6-32.

Blumstein, P. y Schwartz, P. American couples, William Morrow, Nueva York, 1983.

R. W. Connell. Gender and Power, Polity, Cambridge, 1987.

D. Lisak. “Sexual Agression, Masculinity, and Fathers”, Signs, núm. 16, 1991, pp. 238-262.

D. E. Smith. The Everyday World as Problematic, Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1987.

W. J. Goode. “Why Men Resist”, en B. Thorne y M. Yalom (eds.). Rethinking the Family, Longman, Nueva York, 1982, pp.131-150; D. E. Smith. “Sociology from Women’s Experience”, Sociological Theory, núm. 10, 1992, pp. 88-98.

E. Goffman. “The Arrangement Between the Sexes”, Theory and Society, núm. 4, 1977, pp. 301- 331.

C. West y D. H. Zimmerman. “Doing Gender”, Gender & Society, núm. 1, 1987, pp. 125-151.

B. Risman. y P. Schwartz. (eds.). Gender in Intimate Relationships, Wadsworth, Belmont, 1989.

A. Hochschild. The Second Shift, University of California Press, Berkeley 1989.

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