Becoming Fat. Identification Processes and Desiring Affectations

  • María Magdalena Aranda Delgado Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Keywords: fatness, autoethnography, feminism, oppression, fat studies


In recent years, in social sciences there has been numerous feminist research whose creativity has shown that, given the need to get close to the many feminine realities, it is imperative to draw from a variety of methodological approaches. Autoethnography is one of those methods, which has gained adepts among the scientific community as its narrative strength favors a connection between theoretical and analytical aspects, with a more immediate comprehension of the political exercise of that which is researched. The central idea in this writing is the contemplation of the experimental sketch of a process of fat identifications, this allows us to catch a glimpse at how oppressive corporal sociocultural structures are being configured, which observed closely, make it possible not only to explicitly acknowledge them, but also to find resignification paths. Becoming fat is a dialectic process that ingers between poetic, theoretical, and political knowledge rising from our human desire affectations, the socialization of gender, and a fascination for showing the wide range of knowledge contained in the bodies of fat women.


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Author Biography

María Magdalena Aranda Delgado, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
María Magdalena Aranda Delgado es Licenciada en Sociología, Especialización en Sociología de la Cultura y Maestra en Investigaciones Sociales y Humanísticas. Desde 2006 se ha consolidado como profesora en Educación Media Superior y Superior. En la actualidad cursa el Doctorado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.


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